Brand Story Video

When making a first impression, there is no better piece of content; we believe than a brand story video.

What is a brand story?

In a nutshell, it is a piece of content that develops a relationship between your business and its ideal client through powerful storytelling, visuals & audio.

Story videos can be executed in many ways, from a founder describing the need that sparked a movement, a customer sharing a lived experience that speaks to a brand’s purpose, or a visually gripping compilation that tells the story of a brand’s history.

All brand story videos should deliver a powerful message that transcends a business's traditional transactional relationship, creating a magnetic brand identity for ideal clients to resonate with.

The ingredients

A brand video, at its core, needs to communicate 3 things. Who you are, what you do and why you do it. Let’s break it down.

Start with why

It’s cliche, yet still true: People don’t care about what you do. They care about why you do it.

To build a feeling of trust and alignment with your brand, it’s important to uncover its story. This could be the founder’s initial motivation to solve a problem or the story of your business so far.

Research shows us that consumers will be more likely to buy a product or service if they have an emotional connection to the brand, while studies have also shown that brands using storytelling in their marketing are up to 22 times more likely to be remembered by a consumer.

When someone resonates with your why it creates a connection and a powerful impression in your prospect's mind. One that will keep you top of your mind when moving to purchase a service or product in the future.

Explaining the what

Competency is important for a consumer when making a decision and this can be conveyed by telling and showing a few examples of your work through spoken word, testimonial, or text on the screen.

Although important to show the breadth of your business’ capability, we always recommend you highlight the products and services that you want your business to sell more of. Your brand story will only have space for 1-2, so pick carefully!

Who are you?

Are you a medium-sized business or a large one? Do you have a family culture, or are you a corporate with a big mission and story? Getting to the bottom of who you are and who you want to attract will determine how we communicate this in your video, so dive into your brand guidelines, core values, or previous sales letters to get a good idea of what you want to convey.

How long should it be?

We recommend most brand videos stay between 60-120 seconds.

Use cases

Brand story videos can be deployed across social media, recruitment pages, at the head of your sales content or on your website. This versatility makes a Brand Video one of the most potent pieces of content your business could create.

Cost-effective leverage

Based on the nature of a brand video, you will likely have your leadership, management & a few raving fans present for capture. This unique opportunity lends itself to capturing & creating diverse additional content that can be cut into smaller edits for use alongside your brand video to extend its campaign length and reach. 

Want to see how brand video can impact your marketing strategy? Get in touch.


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